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Studium Biologie

  • Microbiology

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Microbiology - An introduction

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    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)


  • Differential Equations Linear Algebra

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

  • Foundation Maths 7th edition

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Foundation Maths

  • Starting Out with Python, Global Edition

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Starting Out with Python

  • Campbell Biology, Global Edition Concepts & Connections

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Campbell Biology, Global Edition Concepts & Connections

  • Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Biology: A Global Approach

  • Biology in Focus

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Campbell Biology in Focus

  • Brock biology of microorganisms

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Brock Biology of Microorganisms

  • .

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology

  • Chemistry

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)


  • Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics

  • Essential University Physics 1

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Essential University Physics: Volume 1

  • Essential University Physics 2

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Essential University Physics: Volume 2

  • Astronomy

    New Pearson E-Books (free for MNF students via ZB-/UZH-Licence)

    Astronomie, Die kosmische Perspektive

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Biology courses (BIO)

BACHELOR 1. + 2. Semester

Online course     Title VVZ Category Realisation
BIO121 Evolution and Biodiversity II: Vertebrates and Plants VVZ Course, Practical Training

on-site lecture with livestream (Fri 08:00-09:45) and lecture recordings

BIO122 Animal Behaviour VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Thu 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings
BIO123 Quantitative and Molecular Systems Biology VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Thu 08:00-09:45) and lecture recordings
BIO124 Introduction to ethics and philosophy of biology VVZ Course on-site lecture with livestream (Tue 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings
BIO125 Development of Multicellular Systems VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Thu 08:00-09:45) and lecture recordings
BIO141 Ecology and Biodiversity VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Wed 09:00-09:45, Fri 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings
BIO142 Developmental Biology VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Wed 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings
BIO143 Neurobiology VVZ Course, Practical Training on-site lecture with livestream (Fri 08:00-09:45) and lecture recordings
BIO144 Data analysis in biology VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises, Practical Training

on-site lecture (Mon) with lecture recordings

BIO148 Introduction to Paleontology VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
Higher semesters 
BIO205 Evolutionary genetics and genomics of humans and other primates VVZ

Block Course

BIO206 Modelling cultural evolution: Introduction to mixed-effects models, network analysis and agent-based simulations VVZ Block Course  
BIO211 Primate Behavior - Empirical Research VVZ Block Course  
BIO216 Primate origins of human sociality, cognition, and mind VVZ Course  
BIO218 Ethical Aspects of Biological Research on Humans VVZ Course  
BIO221 Flowers and Pollinators VVZ Block Course  
BIO223 Field Course Evolutionary Biology Orchid and flower biology excursion (Orchideen- und blütenbiologische Exkursion) VVZ Field Trip  
BIO231 Ethnobotany VVZ Course  
BIO234 Diversity and Evolution of Succulent Plants VVZ Course  
BIO236 Botanical Half day Excursions (FS) VVZ Field Trip  
BIO239 Organisms of the tidal coast: Algae and invertebrates VVZ Block Course  
BIO244 Signal transduction and cancer VVZ

Block Course

BIO245 Cell Signaling VVZ Block Course  
BIO247 Cellular Response to Genotoxic Stress VVZ Block Course  
BIO248 Functional Assessment of Human Spinal Cord Injury VVZ Block Course  
BIO249 Research Internship in Quantitative and Systems Biology VVZ Practical Training  
BIO254 Functional Genomics VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO259 Research Internship in Molecular and Cellular Biology VVZ Practical Training  
BIO262 Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates - Issues and Methods VVZ Block Course  
BIO265 Evolution and Paleobiology of Plants VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO268 Paleontological Fieldwork VVZ Block Course  
BIO269 Research Internship in Paleontology (in the research groups 4- 12 weeks) VVZ Practical Training  
BIO272 Paleobiology and Phylogeny of Amphibiens and Reptiles VVZ Course  
BIO273 Evolution and Paleobiology of Cephalopods VVZ Course  
BIO276 Principles of geology for paleobiologists VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO279 Paleontological Excursions (on weekends) VVZ Field Trip  
BIO287 Plant cell wall development VVZ Block Course  
BIO288 Mechanisms of plant disease resistance against fungal pathogens VVZ Block Course  
BIO289 Mechanisms of Plant-Microbe Interactions VVZ Block Course  

Aquatic microbial ecology

VVZ Block Course  
BIO292 Human and veterinary medical Bacteriology VVZ Block Course  
BIO295 Agroecology, Food Security & Sustainable Production VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO296 Microbial bioinformatics: sequencing technologies to pathogen analysis VVZ Block Course  
BIO298 Biology of disease vectors VVZ

Block Course

BIO300 Systematics of flowering plants VVZ Block Course  

Vascular plants of the Plateau and Jura

VVZ Exercise Group  
BIO302 Genome Evolution and Diversity VVZ Block Course  
BIO304 Flora of Switzerland VVZ Block Course  
BIO312 Species Conservation and Management VVZ Course  
BIO326 Modern Concepts in Animal Development, Evolution and Disease VVZ

Block Course

BIO328 Neurobiology VVZ Block Course  
BIO329 Ecology VVZ Block Course  
BIO330 Modelling in Biology VVZ Block Course  
BIO334 Practical Bioinformatics VVZ Block Course  
BIO338 Introduction to Scientific Writing VVZ Other  
BIO339 Plant Adaptation VVZ Block Course  
BIO340 Biology, Evolution, and Ecology of Marine Mammals VVZ Course  
BIO341 Field course in Evolutionary Biology of Marine Mammals Shark Bay, Western Australia VVZ Field Trip  
BIO342 Comparative Behavioural Neuroscience VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO347 Concepts in Developmental Biology: From Cells to Animals VVZ Course  
BIO349 Behavioral Endocrinology VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO353 Animal Behaviour Field Studies VVZ Block Course  
BIO354 Zoo Biology VVZ Course  
BIO355 Practical in Zoo Biology VVZ Course  
BIO356 Research Internship in Developmental Biology and Genetics VVZ Practical Training  
BIO357 Research Internship in Ecology VVZ Practical Training  
BIO358 Research Internship in Animal Behaviour VVZ Practical Training  
BIO363 Diversity of the Tetrapoda VVZ Block Course  
BIO364 The Physics of Life VVZ Course  
BIO365 Ecological Networks VVZ Block Course  
BIO366 Topics in Evolutionary Genetics and Computational Biology VVZ Seminar  
BIO368 Scientific Information Literacy VVZ Course  
BIO369 An Introduction to Computer Programming and Agent-based Modelling using R VVZ Course on-site lecture with livestream (Tue 08:00-09:45) and lecture recordings
BIO370 Introduction to Invertebrate Identification VVZ Course  
BIO374 Virology: Biology of Virus Infection and Evolution VVZ Block Course  
BIO375 Field Methods and Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Management and Research VVZ

Block Course

BIO378 Research Internship in Evolutionary Biology and Systematics VVZ Other  
BIO380 Kalahari Field course: Becoming a (field) biologist! VVZ Block Course  
BIO381 Research Internship Immunology VVZ Practical Training  
BIO382 Research internship in Virology VVZ Practical Training  

Research Internship in Neurobiology (6-12 weeks)

VVZ Practical Training  
BIO388 Human Genetics VVZ Course  
BIO389 Clinical Neuroscience VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO393 Integrative –Omics practical course: From the transcriptome to the proteome VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO395 Concepts in Evolutionary Biology VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO398 Ethics in Biological Research VVZ Course  
BIO401 Global STEM Entrepreneurship VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO407 Practical Microscopy VVZ Block Course  
BIO412 Introductory Course in laboratory Animal Science (LTK Modul 1) VVZ Exercise Group  
BIO431 Cell Death, Inflammation and Imm VVZ Block Course  
BIO433 Biology of Cancer Treatment: Old and Novel Therapeutic Strategies VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO442 Evolutionary Medicine: Health and disease in modern humans VVZ Block Course  
BIO500 Research Projects in Biology VVZ Practical Training  
BIO501 Master Thesis in Molecular and Cellular Biology VVZ Student Work  
BIO503 Master Thesis in Genetics and Development VVZ Student Work  
BIO504 Master Thesis in Microbiology VVZ Student Work  
BIO505 Master Thesis in Plant Sciences VVZ Student Work  
BIO506 Master Thesis in Neurosciences VVZ Student Work  
BIO508 Master Thesis in Anthropology VVZ Student Work  
BIO509 Master Thesis in Animal Behaviour VVZ Student Work  
BIO510 Master Thesis in Ecology VVZ Student Work  
BIO511 Master Thesis in Systematics and Evolution VVZ Student Work  
BIO512 Master Thesis in Paleontology VVZ Student Work  
BIO513 Master Thesis Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology VVZ Student Work  
BIO514 Master Thesis in Virology VVZ Student Work  
BIO515 Master Thesis Immunology VVZ Student Work  
BIO516 Master Thesis Cancer Biology VVZ Student Work  
BIO520 Integrated knowledge in Biology VVZ Examination  
BIO549 Anthropological Project Reports VVZ Seminar  
BIO550 Research Internship Anthropology (in the research groups 4-12 weeks) VVZ Other  
BIO551 Anthropological Seminar Series VVZ Colloquium  
BIO552 AIM Symposium VVZ Colloquium  
BIO553 Journal Club in Anthropology VVZ Seminar  
BIO557 Scientific Writing and Experimental Design for Life Sciences VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO563 BIO653

Current topics in C. elegans research

(02.02.2023 - 27.07.2023)

VZZ Seminar  
BIO571 Paleontological Colloquium VVZ Colloquium  
BIO602 Seminar in Animal Behaviour VVZ Colloquium  
BIO605 Seminar for Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies VVZ Seminar  
BIO606 BEEES Seminar (Behaviour, Ecology, Environment and Evolution Seminar) VVZ Seminar  
BIO607 Current Research in Evolutionary Ecology and Genetics of Natural Populations VVZ Seminar  
BIO611 Colloquium for ongoing advances in infectious cell biology VVZ Seminar  
BIO612 Seminars in Bioinformatics: Methods and Emerging Solutions VVZ Colloquium  
BIO613 Joint Lab Meeting / Progress Seminar VVZ Colloquium  
BIO614 DMLS Research Progress Reports VVZ Seminar  
BIO616 Lecture Series in Molecular Life Sciences VVZ Colloquium  
BIO617 Principles of biosafety in medical and biological research VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO619 Seminar in Neurosciences VVZ Seminar  
BIO620 Literature Seminar Animal Behvaiour VVZ Seminar  
BIO621 Training in Neuroscience Laboratory Research VVZ Practical Training  
BIO625 Bioacoustics VVZ Seminar  
BIO628 Neuroscience course VVZ Block Course  
BIO629 Advanced Flow Cytometry Course VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO630 Research Ethics for Life Scientists VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO631 Current Immunological Research in Zurich VVZ Seminar  



Introductory course in flow cytometry VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  



Introductory course in flow cytometry VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO634 Next-generation Sequencing 2 - Continuation Course: Transcriptomes and Biological Interpretation VVZ Other  

Cutting Edge Topics: Immunology and Infection Biology

VVZ Seminar  
BIO637 Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics – from theory to practice VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO638 Next Generation Sequencing applied to Metagenomics VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO641 Introduction to Proteomics Data Analysis and Beyond VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO644 Neuroimaging Block Course VVZ Seminar  
BIO645 Crash Course in Statistics for Neuroscientists VVZ Seminar  
BIO646 Ethics for Neuroscientists and Cancer Biologists VVZ Seminar  
BIO647 Writing for Neuroscientists VVZ Seminar  
BIO652 Viruses and hosts VVZ Seminar  
BIO657 Colloquium on literature (Group seminar) VVZ Colloquium  
BIO661 Science Writing VVZ Seminar  
BIO662 Ethical issues in Human Genetics and Genomics VVZ Seminar  
BIO664 The 3Rs and the Ethics of Animal Research VVZ Seminar  
BIO675 Life Sciences: Transcriptomics RNA-seq course VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO680 DNA Next Generation Sequencing – from theory to practice VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO685 Neuroimmunology and MS Research VVZ Seminar  
BIO691 Teaching advanced microscopy for Life Science VVZ Block Course  
BIO694 Genetic variation analysis course VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BIO701 Forum for Plant Biology VVZ Colloquium  
BIO702 Plant Biology Workshop VVZ Seminar  
BIO704 Group Seminar: Current Research VVZ Seminar  
BIO705 Group Seminar: Current Research VVZ Seminar  
BIO706 Group Seminar Current Research VVZ Seminar  
BIO707 Group Seminar: Current Research in Microbiology VVZ Seminar  
BIO708 Gene therapy from bench to bedside - Theory VVZ Exercise Group  
BIO710 Group seminar VVZ Colloquium  
BIO711 Advanced Seminar in Microbiology VVZ Colloquium  
BIO712 Limnology Colloquium for Advanced VVZ Colloquium  
BIO713 Group Seminar: Research Updates VVZ Seminar  
BIO761 Research Internship in Systematic Botany VVZ Practical Training  
BIO780 Museum Internship VVZ Practical Training  
BIO783 Curatorial Internship in the Zurich Zoo VVZ Practical Training  
BIO784 Evolutionary Genomics Journal Club VVZ Seminar  


Biomedicine courses (BME)

Die Onlinekurse sind für die Studierenden teilweise zugänglich!

BACHELOR 2. + 4. Semester

Online course   Title VVZ Category Realisation
BME245 Physiology and anatomy II VVZ Course on-site lecture with livestream (Mon 08:00-09:45, Thu 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings
BME246 Biomedicine II VVZ Course on-site lecture (Mon) with lecture recordings
BME247 Introduction to histology VVZ

Practical Training

BME248 Basics in Immunology VVZ Course  
Higher semesters 
BME300 Research Internship in Biomedicine (6-12 weeks) VVZ Practical Training  
BME302 Systems Neurobiology VVZ Block Course  
BME305 Methods in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology VVZ Block Course  
BME306 Experimental human studies VVZ Block Course  
BME318 Clinical epidemiology and quantitative research in health care VVZ Course  
BME320 Forensic Genetics VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BME321 Design of Experiments VVZ Exercise Group  
BME325 Xenobiotic metabolism - with special emphasis on toxicological aspects VVZ Block Course  
BME326 Evolution of Bacterial Pathogens VVZ Block Course  
BME327 Current Approaches in Single Cell Analysis VVZ Course  
BME328 Prostate cancer: from bench to bedside VVZ Block Course  
BME329 Developing New Medicines - An Introduction VVZ Block Course  
BME331 Tissue Imaging VVZ Block Course  
BME332 Metabolic Medicine VVZ Block Course  
BME335 Regenerative Medicine and Applied Tissue Engineering VVZ Course  
BME348 Journey into Medical Research VVZ Block Course  
BME351 Biomedical data mining VVZ Block Course  
BME352 Auditory Biomechanics VVZ Block Course  
BME353 Human brain activity and the mind VVZ Block Course  
BME354 Forensic Toxicology VVZ Block Course  
BME356 Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism VVZ Block Course  
BME357 Diseases at the human animal interface VVZ Block Course  
BME361 Randomised trials – From lab experiments to large preventive trials VVZ Block Course  
BME363 Gene therapy from bench to bedside VVZ Block Course  
BME366 Medical Immunology VVZ Block Course  
BME410 Scientific writing and publishing VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
BME500 Master Thesis in Biomedicine VVZ Student Work  
BME520 Integrated knowledge in Biomedicine VVZ Examination  
BME550 Research Project Biomedicine VVZ Practical Training  
BME640 DQBM Research Progress Reports VVZ Seminar  
BME646 Research in Orthopedic Computer Science VVZ Seminar  


Environmental Science courses (UWW)

Die Onlinekurse sind für die Studierenden teilweise zugänglich!

BACHELOR 2. + 4. Semester
Online course   Title VVZ Category Realisation
UWW114 Umweltexkursion: Gewässerrevitalisierung VVZ Seminar  
UWW133 Ökologische Ökonomik und Analyse von Wirtschaftswachstum VVZ Course  
UWW161 Berufspraktikum VVZ Practical Training  
UWW163 Semesterarbeit VVZ Student Work  
UWW164 Event Organisation im Umweltbereich VVZ Practical Training  
UWW174 Nachhaltigkeit und Gesellschaft VVZ Course  
UWW280 Special Topics VVZ Other  
UWW182 Ökosysteme und Klima VVZ Course  
UWW183 Conservation Biology VVZ Course  
UWW292 Research Seminars VVZ Seminar  
UWW200 UWW 200 Master Thesis VVZ Student Work  


Ecology courses (ECO)


Online course  





ECO303 Teaching Science at University VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
ECO306 Scientific Writing with Stephen B. Heard VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
ECO363 Ecological Theory Part 4 VVZ Practical Training  
ECO397 Cutting Edge Research Club VVZ Seminar  
ECO400 Addressing Global Change and Biodiversity from an Interdisciplinary Perspective VVZ Seminar  


Grundlagenfächer (BCH, CHE, MAT, PHY)


Online course





CHE 171 Basic Laboratory Course in Chemistry for the Life Sciences VVZ Practical Training  
CHE 172 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises  
MAT183 Stochastics for Natural Sciences VVZ Lecture with Practical Exercises on-site lecture with livestream (Wed 10:15-12:00, Fri 10:15-12:00) and lecture recordings (Exercises Mon R, Wed, Thu, Fri)


Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences (IDB)

Online course





IDB412 Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science (LTK Modul 1 - Theory part) VVZ    
IDB413 Introductory Course in Laboratory Course in Laboratory Animal Science (LTK Module 1 - Practical part) VVZ    
IDB403 Translational, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience VVZ    

OpenEdx courses MNF Podcasts

Listen to the latest podcasts.


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OLAT for 1st semester students

In order that you are able to use the UZH-IT services (e.g. OLAT) you have to set your password in the Security Identity Manager. In case your login does not work, then please contact the Service Desk of the University of Zurich. Phone: 044 63 43333 (Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m. -18:00 p.m.).

If you have questions or suggestions concerning e-learning, then contact: Karin Niffeler

Course Catalogue UZH

MNF Faculty of Science


Biology and Biomedicine

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The BiUZ is the students' division association of the biology and biomedicine studies at the University of Zurich.

UZH for students

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