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Studium Biologie For lecturers

Embed your movies in OLAT

Embed web-based movies/audio-files (uploaded on an own server or SWITCHtube) in OLAT

If you have the possibility, upload your movies on your own server or the server of your institute and link the mp4-files in the video player of OLAT.

  • Video (.FLV, .F4V, .MP4, .M4V (h264 coded), .AAC, and .M4A)
  • Sound (.MP3, .AAC)
  • YouTube
  • SWITCHtube
  • Vimeo
  • http (pseudo) streaming server (only .FLV)
  • rtmp streaming server



Upload via SWITCHcast and embed uploaded movies in OLAT





Upload movie on SWITCHcast

  1. Sing in on SWITCHcast
  2. Click on "Series" (on the upper left side)
  3. Click on "+ Add series"
  4. Give your series a title - it is important that you start with the year followed by the semester and an underscore e.g. 20FS_BIO xxx) and you (and others) as person, who can manage this serie -> View Permissions "Learning Management System" -> and finish
  5. Click on "Events" (on the upper left side)
  6. Click on "+ Add event" on the upper right side
  7. Insert Metadata (title and presenter and important choose the serie in which the movie should appear - the one you just have created) -> click "Next"
  8. Upload the movie under "Slides" (you have the possibility to upload two movies) -> click "Next"
  9. Processing: important check "auto-Export"! -> click "Next"
  10. Click "Create"

Embed SWITCHcast video in OLAT

  1. Sign in your OLAT course
  2. Open your OLAT course
  3. Select "Tools" -> "Course editor" -> "Insert course element" -> "SWITCHcast" and give a short page title ->  click on the tab "Series" and choose your serie -> click on the tab "Visibility", "Depending on Group" and select "Only for learning areas", "Select" and select "Campuslernbereich", "Apply"
  4. Click on "Publish" in the upper right corner -> "Next" -> modify your course access e.g. "All registered OLAT users" -> "Finish"
  5. Close the OLAT course editor by clicking on your course title in the upper left corner

The SWITCHcast serie is then linked and you have only to upload further movies on SWITCHcast. From then the movies will automatically appear in your OLAT course.






Publication of your PPT-audio-presentation on SWITCHtube:

  1. Sign in on SWITCHtube
  2. Click on "Channels" -> "Your channels" -> "Create a new channel" and give a title to your channel and choose your settings (Open Channe, Comments, Video download, Archive original)
  3. Set the permissions (who can watch the movies of the channel) - e.g. "Anyone with the link to the video"
  4. Select your channel collaborators (add your name and other collaborators). Choose the rights for your collaborators (view only, upload, manage channel).
  5. Click on "Upload video" -> "Add video" (you cannot upload videos larger than 5 GB.)
  6. The video is then processing. The link and the embedding information is visible on the right hand side. Copy these two information.
  7. Add title and further settings and click on "Save and continue"
Embed SWITCHtube video in OLAT
  1. Sign in your OLAT course
  2. Open your OLAT course
  3. Select "Tools" -> "Course editor" -> "Insert course element" -> "Single page" and give a short page title ->  click on the tab "Page content" -> "Create page and open in editor" -> click on the "source code icon" in the Texteditor menu (< >) -> past the embedding information code from SWITCHtube -> "Ok" -> "Save and close"
  4. Click on "Publish" in the upper right corner -> "Next" -> modify your course access e.g. "All registered OLAT users" -> "Finish"
  5. Close the OLAT course editor by clicking on your course title in the upper left corner

The SWITCHtube movie is then embedded in your OLAT course.


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