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Studium Biologie Master Studies

Animal Behaviour

MSc Coordinator of the Master in Animal Behaviour

MSc Coordinator of the Animal Behavour Master: Prof. Marta Manser

Study Coordinator of the MSc in Biology: Dr. Karin Isler



The behavioural sciences set out to analyse both animal and human behaviour from the biological angle, employing biological methods. Students on this Master’s program acquire an understanding of the diversity, regulation and function of behaviour. They conduct empirical field and laboratory studies, with the focus on evolutionary-biological and mechanistic issues. Students analyse hypotheses employing methods taken from the behavioural, ecological, physiological, molecular-genetic, immunological and biochemical fields. Findings relative to threatened species are of practical relevance, since these can be used to compile guidelines for the protection of these species.


Master's degree course

Students first acquire basic knowledge of the causes, functions and mechanisms of behaviour in the Behavioural Sciences block course. Afterwards they can pursue their individual specialisation in greater depth by choosing modules from the whole range of available biology modules, including those offered in combination with other areas, such as psychology and medicine. Particularly recommended are modules from the fields of behavioural sciences, taxonomy and systematics, ecology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, molecular genetics, experimental psychology, population biology, theoretical biology, physiology (e.g. endocrinology and neurobiology) and nature conservation.


Specifications for planning the program:
Students wishing to take this Master’s program should discuss their choice of course and lecture modules with the supervisor of their Master’s thesis and submit their proposed learning agreement, in writing, to the Master’s coordinator for approval, enclosing a declaration of consent from their supervisor.

The module BIO338 Introduction to Scientific Writing (0 ECTS, one day in September or February) is mandatory for all Biology Master’s students. The module should be taken before writing the Master’s Thesis.

Description – Modules – Requirements – Organization


Research groups

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