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Studium Biologie Masterstudium

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    Marmoset monkey (copyright A. Stezhkin)

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    Dolphins (copyright wildestanimal)

MSc Coordinator of the Master in Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Michael Krützen (michael.kruetzen *

Study Advisor MSc Anthropology: Dr. Tony Weingrill (tonyw *

Study Coordinator

Dr. Karin Isler (studienkoordination *



Anthropology investigates human evolution from the angle of evolutionary biology. Two main fields are covered at the University of Zurich. Evolutionary behavioral sciences looks into the development and tradition of behavioral characteristics in humans and their closest relatives in both laboratory and field studies and also employs theoretical sociobiological models. Paleoanthropology addresses the physical fundamentals and functional morphology aspects of human evolution and especially the fossil record of the hominids and the non-human primates.



The Master’s program in anthropology comprises lectures and block courses on phylogeny, morphology, the behavior and genetics of humans and other primates and the mathematical modeling of these, plus the history of anthropology. Students can combine these modules with a broad range of courses from other Master's programs, including human biology, systematics and evolution, behavioral sciences, paleontology and genetics.



Specifications for planning the Master’s program:

Detailed information (PDF (PDF, 255 KB))

MSc students and the principal supervisor agree on an individual course program before commencement of the Master’s program. The Master’s Program in Biology with concentration in Evolutionary Anthropology requires a minimum of 20 credit points of course work. The course work comprises block courses and special lectures in Evolutionary Anthropology (15 ECTS credits) and elective modules (5 ECTS).

The core 15 ECTS in Evolutionary Anthropology can comprise the following block courses and lectures (HS23 and FS24):

BIO 201 03 ECTS Primate Evolution Biology
BIO 202 06 ECTS Comparative Communication and Cognition
BIO 203 06 ECTS Primate Behaviour and Ecology
BIO 204 06 ECTS Applied Human Evolution
BIO 207 03 ECTS Comparative Systematics and Evolution of Primates
BIO 208 06 ECTS Current Debates in Evolutionary Biology and Human Evolution
BIO 210 06 ECTS Human Behavioural Ecology and Cultural Evolution
BIO 211 06 ECTS Primate Behaviour and cognition: Concepts, Methods and Tools
BIO 212 03 ECTS Language Evolution: Insights from Animal Communication
BIO 214 02 ECTS Von Affenmenschen und Menschenaffen
BIO 216 03 ECTS Primate Origins of Human Sociality, Cognition, and Mind
BIO 218 03 ECTS Ethische Aspekte der Biologischen Forschung am Menschen
BIO 219 03 ECTS Evolution of the Human Brain, Cognition, and Language
BIO 340 03 ECTS Biology, Evolution and Ecology of Marine Mammals
BIO 341 06 ECTS Field Course in Evolutionary Biology of Marine Mammals, Shark Bay, Western Australia
245-503 03 ECTS Geschlecht und Biologie

In addition, in agreement with supervisors and MSc Coordinator, some specific courses from other concentrations (see list in the info sheet (PDF, 255 KB)) can also be selected and will count as core ECTS.


Master’s thesis in Anthropology: Module BIO 508.



Prof. Dr. Burkart Judith
Prof. Dr. Koops Kathelijne
Prof. Dr. Krützen Michael
Prof. Dr. Migliano Andrea
Prof. Dr. Townsend Simon
Dr.  Shaw Colin
Dr. Vinicius Lucio
Dr.  Weingrill Tony
Dr.  Willems Erik



Weiterführende Informationen

UZH Course Catalogue


The module BIO338 Introduction to Scientific Writing (0 ECTS, one day in September or February) is mandatory for all Biology Master’s students. The module should be taken before writing the Master’s Thesis.